It’s the Audience, Stupid

Not a day goes by that we don’t hear about the latest trend in digital marketing. Last week it was search engine optimization. Before that it was social networking. This week, I got an email from someone saying “it’s all about mobile.”...

Joining the Centennial Institute

I’m exciting to be joining the Centennial Institute, a center-right think tank within Colorado Christian University, as their Digital Director.

Hype and Anchorman 2

Anchorman 2 was bound to be the holiday hit of the century. Quotables from the first Anchorman are now common lexicon for the American public. The only problem? It flopped.

Well played Podio

Saw an unsafe script message in Podio tonight (turned out to be a youtube video loading over HTTP) but then found this in the Chrome Developer Console: Well played, Podio, well played. Don’t use Podio? You should. It’s the best project management, CRM,...